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Información Turística de Agaete


Natural Park of Tamadaba:

The massive range of Tamadaba and the one called Altavista conform one of the two Natural Parks in Gran Canaria. It is situated in the Northwest side of the island and it is constituted of the most ancient materials of Gran Canaria, which were erupted in the first Eruptions Cycle 14 million years ago. To the sea the massive range descends through very steep slopes, deep valleys and steep cliffs creating a landscape of extreme beauty. Here, Faneque Rock highlights. It is a cliff of 1.008 metres high which goes right into the sea, and which is considered to be one of the highest active cliffs in the world.

On the highest part, over 1.000 metres high, there is a plain zone occupied by a dense wood full of Canarian Pine–trees (Pinus Canariensis), which ascends to its maximum altitude of 1.444 metres at the Peak of the Flag. This Pine wood is one of the biggest found in Gran Canaria and it is influenced by the trade winds which supply a lot of humidity, produced by the horizontal rain which at this height leaves all its humidity on plants and trees. This humidity has allowed the development of species apart from the pines, like: tree heath, Canary Islands wax-myrtle, fern so as abundant liquens, moss, and mushrooms. There is also an interesting local plant species called Thyme from Tamadaba, only localised in this pinewood.


This natural park is a protected space, which has a double function: recreation for people and the conservation of the natural resources. This Natural Park has a recreational, scientific and educational use. It offers: two camping areas, a youth camping and a recreational zone for picnics. To be able to camp there you have to get permission from the Department of Natural Environment in the Government of the island (Cabildo de Gran Canaria), telephone number: 928. 219229

Valley of Agaete:

Visiting the neighbourhoods of San Pedro, Vecindad de Enfrente, Casas del Camino, Los Berrazales, El Sao and El Hornillo one will be able to contemplate the beauty of its rural landscapes, along the road that winds to the right riverbank of the Ravine of Agaete. The parallel view is that of the summits of Tamadaba with its leafy pinewood.

This Valley is of note because of its properties of orange trees, tropical fruits and coffee. Also, this place has a great variety of traditional constructions that have been restored to become rural houses, among them two rural hotels are offered. One of them also offers Natural Health treatments in Los Berrazales, very near the miner-medicinal old Cure centre, which is closed at present time.

Villages of El Sao and El Hornillo:

They are respectively located at an altitude of 520 and 750 meters from sea level. El Hornillo has a group of house-caves that prevail in opposition to the traditional house of El Sao where houses with plain roves are the most common. The access to the area of El Hornillo is through a traditional path from El Sao, or by car, ascending along the neighbourhood of Caideros, in Gáldar.

El Sao and El Hornillo are little neighbourhoods, remnants of past civilisations. Nowadays they are rural places in a state of almost abandonment. The house in El Hornillo, as we said before, takes place in caves perforated in the rocks of strong cliffs that reach 100 meters. Their way of life is agriculture, they take advantage of small and flat land plateaus that, by means of patches of ordinary masonry they stagger the strong slope and they allow the crops to be developed in order to subsist.

Port of Las Nieves:

The view of impressive cliffs that arise from the sea until the Pinewood of Tamadaba highlighting the vision of the Finger of God or Broken Rock, which was separated from the cliffs through a process of erosion, is the most impressive view one can get in this Port. Las Nieves’ Port is a suitable place to enjoy a good swim in the clean waters of the Atlantic Ocean and to practise all types of nautical sports like: surfing, windsurfing, diving and sailing.

Huerto de las Flores (Garden of Flowers):

This garden arose in the 19th century thanks to the desire of the family de Armas, owners of the mentioned garden at that time. Their desire was to plant seeds brought from all over the world, especially from America, forming a tropical garden with more than 100 tropical species that have perfectly adapted to the place. Among these species the macadamia or Australian Hazelnut, the Maracca Tree, the mammee, or the tree of the camphor are found here. At one time, outstanding Canarian poets like Saulo Torón, Tomás Morales and Alonso Quesada used to meet in this garden to walk, meditate and write poetry.

La Palmita:

This is a park with a sample of the typical Canarian vegetation of spurges and a group of sculptures, among which one can find the Gran Canarian artist Tony Gallardo’s work. Here a public hostel for groups, which is handled by the Environmental Department of the Island Government, is also located.

Ravine of Guayedra:

It was declared a Natural Place because of its geological, nature and landscape. In this ravine, the abundant presence of endemic flora and fauna are of note.

Historically, this valley had a great importance because it was the place chosen by Fernando Guanarteme, aboriginal king, to exile himself after his cooperation as a mediator between Castilians and aboriginal people in the conquest of Gran Canaria.

El Risco (The Cliff):

It is the most western neighbourhood in the municipality, 14 km. away from the centre of the village. The people in this place mainly live on agriculture and cattle raising. This neighbourhood is important due to the existence of companies which produce goat cheese and goat yoghurt, and also because of the incipient development of Rural Tourism. In this area, there are several houses in traditional Canarian style, dedicated to this type of tourist product.

Beaches of the Municipality:

There are several beaches in the area, among them:

  • The Beach of El Juncal or of the Little Port that limits with the municipality of Gáldar, stony beach with calm waters. Access on foot.
  • Beach of La Caleta or El Turmán, bay located between El Juncal and Las Salinas, it is a creek of stones, with moderated swell. Access on foot.
  • Las Salinas: situated at the end of the ravine of Agaete, stones and with moderate swell. Its access is on foot from the Avenue of the Poets. In this zone there are three natural swimming pools, connected by tunnels, which not only offer a leisure area but also it lets lovers of diving, observe the sea flora and fauna from the place.
  • Beach of Las Nieves: beach located in front of the current jetty, of stones and calm waters. Easy access.
  • Beach of Las Nieves or of the Jetty: located to the left of the old jetty, of stones, sand and moderated swell. Easy access.
  • Beach of Guayedra: located in the outlet of the Ravine of Guayedra, stony beach and with black sand, open and with strong swell. Access only with a 4 by 4 vehicle and on foot.
  • Beach of Sotavento: access through the Ravine of Guayedra, located on the left of the beach of Guayedra, sand and stones, with strong swell and windy. Access with 4 by 4 vehicle and on foot.
  • Beach of El Risco: located in the neighbourhood of El Risco, of sand, stones, opened beach and with strong swell, easy access.
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