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Información Turística de Agaete


The gastronomy of Agaete is especially known for its fresh fish, where you can find: fish soup, grilled fresh fish, grilled sardines and seafood paella. There are many restaurants in the municipality which offer this type of food. In El Puerto de las Nieves one can taste the traditional meals of this village.

Agaete is also unique in Spain and Europe because Coffee crops are grown in sufficient quantity as to be important. It is cultivated together with oranges, papayas, mangoes and guavas. Along the Valley of Agaete coffee is planted, in general it is planted surrounding the different lands dedicated to agriculture and joined to other crops especially tropical and citrus fruits. At present, the production is still limited so to a small amount of coffee grown for family consumption.

Through the history of Agaete’s coffee, as Mr. José Antonio García Álamo tells us, “the cultivation of this crop was brought at the end of the 19th century. The mild and homogeneous temperature throughout the year, the abundance of water and the fertile volcanic soil offer the best conditions to consider the coffee in Agaete: “The best of the Island””, as Verneau said.
The only data of which we have over the cultivated type of coffee, comes from an analysis done in the 70’s by the Brazilian Institute of Coffee, which qualifies it as “of great quality, sort caracolillo, type Paraná, with a high quantity of caffeine”.
About the characteristics of this crop, it’s important to observe the conclusions done by Mr. Albert Solá I Trill, who, after going around the world studying and trying the different coffees grown all over, said of the one from Agaete: “It is of great quality. It has a nice colour between yellow and green. It smells as green fruit. When it is roasted, it develops fine and swallows well. The drink has fruity and sweet taste hinting of chocolate or liquorice. It has low acidity. It has an acceptable body.”

At present, the Association for the Developing of Agriculture in Agaete (Agroagaete), together with the Town Hall of the municipality and other institutions collaborating with this project like Aider and the Government of the island (Cabildo de Gran Canaria) has the general aim of valuing and promoting the cultivation of Coffee in the Municipality of Agaete, through a process focused on how to manage quality and how to be competitive so as to get bigger and the best production in order to be able to commercialize it in the near future.

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